Color-Safe® Pavement Marking for Dynamic Envelope

Mar 11 2020

Safety Warning!

There are more than 212,000 highway-rail grade crossings in the United States. According to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), deaths resulting from highway-rail grade crossing collisions and trespasser events account for approximately 95 percent of all rail-related fatalities each year.

A joint study with U.S. DOT and other safety organizations evaluated the effectiveness of roadway pavement markings placed within the dynamic envelope, the region between and immediately adjacent to the tracks at a highway-rail grade crossing. The results of their study indicated that the addition of the dynamic envelope pavement markings and modified signage reduced the number of vehicles that stopped within the dynamic envelope zone and increased the number of vehicles that stopped properly—safely behind the stop line.

Dynamic envelope pavement markings are an effective way to increase safe stopping behavior and safety for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic at highway-rail grade crossings.

For more information please visit our Color-Safe® for Dynamic Envelope page.


Read 2349 times Last modified on Thursday, 01 December 2022 12:39
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