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E-Bond 526 Epoxy Resin Binder High Friction Surface Treatment

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Transpo's E-Bond 526 Epoxy Resin Binder High Friction Surface Treatment (HFST) significantly increase roadway surface friction, reducing run off the road accidents on hazardous curves. The FHWA has suggested that High Friction Surface Treatments are the only low cost, active protective solution that is not dependent on driver response. This innovative technology is an affordable and highly effective lifesaving solution on roadways, particularly wet or curved surfaces.

E-Bond 526 HFST is a two-component epoxy resin-based binder. The binder can be applied to both asphalt and concrete, manually or automatically, and is capable of rapid cure in three hours or less at temperatures above 50° F.

When incorporated with broadcast aggregate this system adds increased skid resistance that can greatly reduce accident and fatality rates on hazardous roadways.

Features and Advantages

T 526 Diagram for web

  • Long-Lasting
  • High Friction Skid-Resistant Surface
  • Easy Application
  • Fast Cure Time
  • Low Life Cycle Cost
  • Strong Adhesion to Concrete and Asphalt Surfaces


Transpo's T-28 and E-Bond 526 can be used as a part of HFST on the following asphalt or concrete pavement surfaces:

  • Horizontal curves
  • Intersections
  • Rural Roadways
  • Bridge Decks
  • On-ramps