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Wayfinding Signs Breakaway Support Systems

Transpo’s Breakaway Support Systems for Wayfinding signs have been successfully used by design firms to incorporate Breakaway supports into their designs to comply with regulations.

Very often a municipality will upgrade wayfinding signs to provide improved guidance to visitors. Many of these signs are located on the exits of interstate highways or on state highways with posted speed limits that require the sign be mounted on an FHWA approved breakaway system. The breakaway systems used must also provide the appropriate structural design capability based upon the size and weight of the sign and the design wind speed.

Transpo’s Pole-Safe® and Break-Safe® breakaway support systems have been vehicle crash-tested in accordance with NCHRP Report 350, and are approved for use on all FHWA funded projects.

Transpo's breakaway support systems unique physical properties and performance gives designers the greatest flexibility in sizing poles for specific lighting requirements. Our engineers and our Sign Post Selection Program are available to help with your specific project.

Break-Safe® Sign Post Selection Program

Break-Safe® Sign Post Selection Program is designed to select the appropriate breakaway sign supports for a wide variety of sign configurations. Using site-specific input parameters and current AASHTO standards, the software provides structural analysis results, recommended post sizes, and corresponding Break-Safe® model.